Friday, April 30, 2010


Tsotsi is an African film winner of The Oscar in the year of 2005 as best international film. It was directed by Gavin Hood. This movie basically talks about the story of a young lonely and disturbed guy. This guy is most known as Tsotsi.

The movie starts with a robbery scene on a train and the killing of the person robbed. The killer was a young guy named Tostsi. Tostsi is a problematic guy full of violence. His life is to rob others and earn money this way. One night he decides to assault a woman to whom he shoots and steals her car. For his surprise there was a baby in the back sit of it. He panics for a while but he then decides to adopt that baby as his. This event becomes a turning point in the life of Tsotsi. He then starts to remember his childhood and all the problems and sufferings he had to go through.

During that story many passages of Tsotsi are shown in flash backs he has. This may be one of the reason he has so much love for a child he doesn’t own. This baby starts to make him feel again love and the willing to take care of others. While this happens he becomes a wanted man by the police. The parents of the baby start to look for him to recover their son. Meanwhile he becomes a parent to the baby and even though he wants to take him back he doesn’t want to lose this baby. He also recurs to a woman who lives near him to be able to feed the baby. Then after too much thinking he decides that it’s the best for the baby and for himself to return him to his parents. He starts to show his friends that he has changed. He is no longer the merciless killer and robber. He wants to start over and be a good guy. However, sometimes life chases back our crimes. At the time that Tsotsi was returning the baby to his parents he is trapped by cops. This means that Tsotsi could have to pay for his crimes. The good part is that he changed his thoughts about life.

This was one really good movie. I always like movies that have a good story line. Even though this movie doesn’t have any special effects or so, it has the power to get the attention of the viewers. What I like the most about this film is the way the director portraits Tsotsi. A guy, who seems to be corrupted by the bad life and influences of a childhood full of sadness and loneliness, suddenly starts to change. This is due that his heart starts to soften after he finds a baby in the backseat of a car he stole. Again, this movie is very good because until the end nobody has a clue of what could happen at the end.

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